In Praise of The Pop-Up Bookstore

As a child, I loved walking into a mall and finding one of my favorite bookstores: Waldenbooks and Crown among them.

That era, of course, has long gone by. And today’s children will likely never know the joy of spending an hour getting lost (purposefully and wonderfully) in your favorite bookstore.

I’ve adapted to today’s technilogical advances, and love reading books in electronic (ebook) and audiobook format.

But I must confess: I still love walking into a brick-and-mortar store and inhaling the smell of books in print format.

So imagine my joy at finding Carpe Librum, a pop-up bookstore. Carpe Librum is the fundraising branch of Turning The Page, and education-based nonprofit.

Indulging one’s love of books while also supporting a great cause? Now that’s what I call winning!

Learn more about Capre Librum (“seize the book”) and Turning the Page:

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